Can I Get Rich Stealing From THE RICHEST FAMILIES in The Sims 4 ??

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025

Комментарии • 269

  • @hannahblackrose2212
    @hannahblackrose2212 2 года назад +1235

    Vlad getting his revenge was hilarious lmaoo 😭

    • @GlamGuideofficiall
      @GlamGuideofficiall 2 года назад +9

      We got the same namee

    • @Backrooms.fan12
      @Backrooms.fan12 2 года назад +33

      @@GlamGuideofficiall I first thought that you meant that your name was vlad but then I realized that your name is Hannah haha

    • @GlamGuideofficiall
      @GlamGuideofficiall 2 года назад +9

      @@Backrooms.fan12 😭😭✋

    • @Artist.101.xoxo..11
      @Artist.101.xoxo..11 2 года назад +2

      @hannahblackrose-@Hannah-and @forestweper i think- lol anyway @hannahblackrose it was but to everyone else and THe Hannah’s did you see the teens making out and Right as Syd looked at them they stopped?

    • @Artist.101.xoxo..11
      @Artist.101.xoxo..11 2 года назад

      @Forest_Friends sorry

  • @sabrinaloizides-merideth9874
    @sabrinaloizides-merideth9874 2 года назад +881

    If you really want to up the ante, make them spellcasters! The Burgliate spell is super OP and allows you to steal the fridges and beds, some of which are $12,000-$14,000....

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +173

      LOLL GENIUS !!! that is such a fun spin on this🙌

    • @raye.sauber
      @raye.sauber 2 года назад +38

      @@sydmac Or maybe you can use spellcasters freezing power on Vlad and then take his piano not mention his organ too xD

    • @djhdjh8600
      @djhdjh8600 Год назад +2

      @@sydmac what mod,trait helps them steal stuff

    • @AccentFiend
      @AccentFiend Год назад +4

      And copypasto 😏

    • @addiek2862
      @addiek2862 Год назад

      @@djhdjh8600 with out realm of magic spell, the trait is kleptomaniac

  • @katleeshue
    @katleeshue 2 года назад +489

    Vlad basically said, "Talking to the help is beneath me."

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +41

      LMAOOO he really did

    • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
      @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад +1

      @@sydmac ; Being a Kleptomaniac sim is easier when that sim is a supernatural that are automatically inclined to steal or collect things.

    • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
      @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад +3

      @@sydmac ; a vampire would be the perfect swiss army knife for criminal life; Opening doors in a stranger's home if that vampire power is unlocked first,or even teleport anywhere, he also steals blood, and you could tidy him up abit with the Batu'u scoundrel path where he can gain the ability to, pickpocket and swindle simoles from other sims and of course you might still want to give him the klepto trait just for "swiping" kicks.

    • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
      @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

      @@sydmac The only way to be the most efficient klepto is to be a vampire.

    • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
      @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад +1

      @@sydmac ; you can't mess with a supernatural without becoming one of them; that is just how it works; especially in this game; supernaturals are made more powerful than they used to be in previous games.

  • @jeonjst
    @jeonjst 2 года назад +552

    Just wanna admit that I first found Syd’s videos around August this year and for the past two months I’ve been bingewatching her vids and anticipating her next uploads 😂 The variation of vids she does is so exciting and only she can do the best building vids that truly amazes me everytime 💗

  • @collenahicks9746
    @collenahicks9746 2 года назад +185

    Very entertaining. I never play with those traits and that coupled with your since of humor OMG girl you really know how to lift my spirits. You never let me down. Thank you Syd 🤣

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +10

      hahhaha no thank YOU💗💗

    • @zialuna3758
      @zialuna3758 2 года назад +4

      I know, right!? You’re like a dose of happy, Syd and I always find myself smiling at the end of your videos. Not to mention you’re a creative genius. I kinda low-key wanna be besties 👯‍♀️… 😂😂😂!

    • @collenahicks9746
      @collenahicks9746 2 года назад +2

      She's our DL bestie

  • @lunapaganrose3593
    @lunapaganrose3593 Год назад +28

    LMFAO YOU LITERALLY MADE "TRICKS" 🤣🤣 I'm from the hood and girls tag team house to rob them in this exact fashion😂😂. One goes in to sleep with the victim, and while they're distracted the thief goes in and robs them blind😂😂 this is flawless already and i love it😂😂

  • @mssimgirl
    @mssimgirl 2 года назад +109

    I LOVE this video. With your commentary and your story it made it so much fun to watch and interesting and made me want to play the sims immediately even though I feel under the weather. I would love to see more from these two. 😊😊

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +3

      i'm glad you enjoyed it!!💕💕

  • @chloeadele4914
    @chloeadele4914 2 года назад +66

    I loved this so much 😂 We got gameplay, laughter, ✨drama✨, and building 😌

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +1

      i'm glad you enjoyed it:D thank you!!💕

      @DJKSWISHA Год назад

      I enjoyed this vid too

  • @lukevanwyngaardt6584
    @lukevanwyngaardt6584 2 года назад +16

    You can use Dream Home Decorator to rob people's houses and clean them out. So maybe Marley or Charlie can get into the interior designer career and wait for a gig from Vlad, then clean out his entire house.

  • @roselucas397
    @roselucas397 2 года назад +12

    Alice spencer-Kim literally left her family behind for my sim and now she’s in a lesbian marriage with 7 adopted kids in a big house with a pool and garden

  • @Sandra-86
    @Sandra-86 2 года назад +32

    You are going to make this into a series, right? Robbing the richest family from every world? I had loads of fun with this one😆

  • @Aye.Marie.90
    @Aye.Marie.90 Год назад +6

    Omg this has to be the funniest Sims storyline I've seen on RUclips thus far. Syd, i love your videos! I watch them everyday lol. Would you consider uploading these two little thieves on the gallery?!! I'd LOVE to try this story and see what happens!!!! 😂😂😂😂

  • @camilacorrea4779
    @camilacorrea4779 2 года назад +32

    I loved the video, so much fun. 😊 I'd love to see you decorate a house just with items stolen from other sims 😅 I don't think it would be easy but it would definitely be fun

  • @Hi_Im_Akward
    @Hi_Im_Akward 2 года назад +7

    Love the chaos! More please.
    Seen a couple simmers build a house with a secret creepy family living in the walls. Would love to see your version.

  • @karmiller4540
    @karmiller4540 2 года назад +39

    I love this amazing episode and it was so much fun to watch lol lol. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving up in Canada and wish you an amazing day.

    • @karmiller4540
      @karmiller4540 2 года назад +1

      I also would love to see you do another base build challenge with limited money. Thank you again.

  • @DruidOneTrickDnD
    @DruidOneTrickDnD 2 года назад +7

    I love this cute little duo! They inspire me to create stories!~ i hope we get to see more of Marley & Charlie on the channel, I think I like Marley cuz her blue hair is iconic.
    Also, the Vlad attempt was hilarious 😂

  • @N00dle.v888
    @N00dle.v888 2 года назад +9

    Loved this challenge, would never suspect them when they look so sweet! Definitely agree you should be able to get arrested in TS4. You'd think it'd come with Get To Work since being a police officer is one of the main careers?

  • @MikaelaCher
    @MikaelaCher 2 года назад +9

    22:00 Nancy that's some serial killer behaviour -

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      idk who's scarier, her or vlad

  • @SimsBossMom
    @SimsBossMom 2 года назад +9

    Love this video, you had me cracking up. Love the character's too.
    IDEA: You should give them the mansion aspiration and they have to continue to steal until they complete it.

  • @palaeosam3369
    @palaeosam3369 2 года назад +9

    This was great - I'd love to see them expand on their life of crime by picking up the Batu aspiration reward that allows pickpocketing, as well as breaking and entering using the Vampire skill Eternally Welcome.

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад +4

    I love the way you try to layout the criminal/accomplice scenario; but personally I like to go straight to the "Jugular" with one of my own adult sims.

  • @Strawberry-shortcake-luv
    @Strawberry-shortcake-luv Год назад +2

    This is my comfort video lmao

  • @daahlingnikki
    @daahlingnikki 2 года назад +2

    I love when we get a little gameplay between builds. This was fun! Would love to see a whole series with the sisters🥰🥰

  • @aimeebarr9365
    @aimeebarr9365 2 года назад +3

    syd this video made me chuckle soo much🤣the landgraab photo shoot i cannot😂😂❤

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      LMAO i'm glad you enjoyed it!!💕💕

  • @catherinebutler5168
    @catherinebutler5168 Год назад +1

    Love how she said it like ✨eLoIsE✨ with all that sass

  • @augustblair-fk6nz
    @augustblair-fk6nz Год назад +4

    vlad woke up and chose VIOLENCE.

  • @charitycodes
    @charitycodes 2 года назад +4

    To steal faster, make a spell caster and get the burgliate spell. They are on separate cool downs tracked by buffs. You can also steal more things with the spell than you can with the regular klepto trait. Make a potion of emotional stability and use the copy pasto spell to get an unlimited supply. Once you klepto steal and burgliate spell steal, drink a potion of emotional stability to wipe the buffs clean and steal again! This can be repeated until your spell caster is overcharged. You can almost wipe out entire sim houses with the burgliate spell, but there a couple of items like rugs that you can't steal.

  • @zzotto-e6h
    @zzotto-e6h 2 года назад +2

    21:36 ahahah omg NANCYYYY

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад +1

    I know a lot of people say they don't get much benefit out of playing the Batu'u pack but you do get to gain a multi-user version of the klepto interaction when you play the Scoundrel rute on your sim's Blackspire vacation.

  • @Day-qi2pm
    @Day-qi2pm 2 года назад +3

    charlie looks so much like flora from winx!! i love her🤭

  • @giupondchester1273
    @giupondchester1273 Год назад

    This is hilarius, Vlad putting in the drama 😭 please do another episode

  • @dellspicableme
    @dellspicableme 2 года назад +1

    Please do a part 2!! It was so fun to watch 🤣

  • @Iwillspeakup
    @Iwillspeakup Год назад

    So I finally found the video with Marley and of course she's a criminal. 😂
    Edit: and then a vampire! This was fun to watch and live vicariously through Marley.😂

  • @myabrown9497
    @myabrown9497 2 года назад +2

    Love tht little home so cute 😂❤❤

  • @PsychoLilPyro
    @PsychoLilPyro Год назад +2

    The sisters walking like the geese in the aristocats 😂

  • @lbumblebree
    @lbumblebree Год назад


  • @Medmediii
    @Medmediii 2 года назад +2

    I‘ve found your video around April and I am binge watching your Videos LIKE AAAAALLL the time 🥹🥹

  • @SuperBarbaranne
    @SuperBarbaranne 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Syd, that was great fun. Really made me laugh. I want more! Sending lots of love from 🇬🇧 UK

  • @chanella21
    @chanella21 2 года назад +1

    This was so fun!! I loved watching it and now I’m totally going to try it!

  • @breakinfreee
    @breakinfreee 2 года назад +2

    Can confirm that you can get rich by stealing things in the Sims. I just finished orange gen of Not So Berry and created a club where the members stole things and that’s mostly how my criminal made her money! I actually downloaded the Bloomcrest Museum and stole a lot of 15k violins. 😆

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +1

      LMAOOO hey!! no stealing from the museum!!😂

    • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
      @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

      @@sydmac ; you can do something better for the klepto sisters you could turn them into a vampire to make their criminal job a little easier to deal with and you won't have to go through the painstaking process of waiting for your victim to get out of the room.

  • @ryanroberts9797
    @ryanroberts9797 Год назад

    This was hilarious to watch haha. Entertaining as always. ❤ oh! And I loved watching you advance their build as well as play instead just doing a build. Seemed more intriguing somehow haha. 😂😁✌🏻

  • @Nixijokenzi
    @Nixijokenzi 10 месяцев назад

    Lol!! The story telling is fantastic! ❤

  • @shanilleamos2337
    @shanilleamos2337 2 года назад +2

    Hey Syd, you should do the sims 4 but every room is a different color scheme/color palette. Or maybe every room is a different weird color combo like orange and pink or yellow and blue or brown and pink

    @AZIZAxBLUE 2 года назад +2

    Love the hair Syd! 💗💗

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      thank you:)💗

  • @taneabaccas588
    @taneabaccas588 2 года назад +1

    You make really good content Syd and you deserve so much more recognition. Also you're an amazing builder!!!

  • @LordRimuru.
    @LordRimuru. 2 года назад

    the ending was hilarious 🤣 i didn't expect that vlad would come to their house 🤣

  • @candykxttens
    @candykxttens 2 года назад +2

    hi! just a little reminder that if you put “casunlock” on the gallery and download the first sim there, you can filter to unlocked in cas and there’s a maid outfit there

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      omg i didn't know this! thank you!!

    • @candykxttens
      @candykxttens 2 года назад

      @@sydmac you’re welcome! :)

  • @prettyindacity12
    @prettyindacity12 2 года назад +1


  • @alyssasweet2961
    @alyssasweet2961 2 года назад +2

    HAHA! loved this vid 💖

  • @gatoradee
    @gatoradee 2 года назад +3

    Syd, I love your videos SM!!!

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      thank you:D

  • @xolilith
    @xolilith Год назад

    hahahahah this was so good, Vlad cracked me up xD

  • @chloewiese7
    @chloewiese7 Год назад +2

    It goes from stealing, to dress up 😂

  • @woooooooooooooooooooooooo
    @woooooooooooooooooooooooo Год назад

    I didnt expect to get so invested, but this was fun lol

  • @robertwilber3701
    @robertwilber3701 Год назад +1

    this was so, entertaining

  • @shaun6074
    @shaun6074 Год назад

    omfg i rlly loveee ur vids n the stories THIS IS SO FUN

  • @_-Lucia-_
    @_-Lucia-_ 2 года назад +14

    Can you please build a basegame house? I think most of basegame homes look boring, but I think you could make it ✨beautiful✨

  • @ugh7813
    @ugh7813 2 года назад +1

    Lovin this chaotic vibe video 😂

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +1

      thank you:D

  • @katelynnw4023
    @katelynnw4023 2 года назад

    Love this hair on you syd. Great content as always :) my favorite sims yt for sure🖤

  • @leikim1476
    @leikim1476 Год назад

    Vlad part is so funnny Lol will there be another part?? you should rob the celebrities!! haha this was fun

  • @lylawinters4055
    @lylawinters4055 Год назад

    The best part was definitely Vlad biting your sims 😂😂😂

  • @Leto85
    @Leto85 9 месяцев назад

    There's also a pickpocket reward trait when you complete the smuglar career on Batuu.

  • @ariyanam7823
    @ariyanam7823 2 года назад +2

    Hi you could sell the computers on the retail stores with huge mark ups!

  • @LexiLaynie
    @LexiLaynie Год назад +2

    nancy gave the house the “side eye”

  • @TheForestRoom4You
    @TheForestRoom4You 2 года назад +1

    OMG ive been waiting on a new video for couple of hours Now, and its finally here!

  • @jade839
    @jade839 2 года назад

    Totally late but this was so fun to watch! Please do more of these! It doesn't even have to be just stealing. I don't know maybe you can go around the worlds leveling up skills or making money. You can only level up outside of your house. The only thing you can do on your home lot is sleep and shower. You can still steal.. 😏💕

  • @ashlampton5586
    @ashlampton5586 Год назад +1

    I want to see more of these sister lol

  • @Queen20023
    @Queen20023 Год назад

    Can I say I am a new sub and I 💗 LOVE your designs and style you do for your sims homes it’s super cute on the sims and the challenges you do are always fun .

  • @Simfyre
    @Simfyre 2 года назад

    This was SO much fun to watch.

  • @SiimplyDejella_Lovesjesus
    @SiimplyDejella_Lovesjesus Год назад

    I love it- poor girl at the end lol

  • @melissawhitman90
    @melissawhitman90 2 года назад

    Syd, this video was awesome as always and I love your hair. You can seriously pull off any color.

  • @ohleander02
    @ohleander02 2 года назад

    a sequel to this would be AWESOME

  • @zararobnett8284
    @zararobnett8284 2 года назад

    Holy cow. 😂 had no idea vlad strait up comes for you if you try to Rob him

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

    A vampire with the door opening ability could break into houses without a hitch. Vampires can get into places that most sims can't.

  • @viiviblomqvist8590
    @viiviblomqvist8590 2 года назад +24

    Challenge idea: pick one EA build house. Rules: renovate it only changing the swatces. You can't add anything new or change items places. Just change only the swatches. Same rules out and isnside. Can you make the house look good?

  • @Lexi_Rocks
    @Lexi_Rocks 2 года назад +1


  • @tajb6406
    @tajb6406 Год назад

    Vlad stood on bidness😭😭😭

  • @viktoriaszabo1245
    @viktoriaszabo1245 2 года назад

    Can you make a part 2?? It was hilarious, please do a part 2!

  • @blackearthmari479
    @blackearthmari479 Год назад

    Watching this on thanksgiving

  • @BeautyMonster1000
    @BeautyMonster1000 2 года назад

    Really fun video! I would love to see more gameplay videos! Maybe try playing some of the scenarios. 🙂

  • @Laalaatrallallaa
    @Laalaatrallallaa 2 года назад +3

    I love your hair and you're so pretty

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад +2

      thank you💗

  • @alexandrialeonora6542
    @alexandrialeonora6542 2 года назад +1

    That last part with Vlad was so scary!

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      he's terrifying!! 😭

  • @HalfMyShina
    @HalfMyShina 2 года назад

    Love it when you play the game play plss do it more often ❤

  • @jaycecalma770
    @jaycecalma770 2 года назад +1

    wish there's a part 2 to this!

  • @20thebear
    @20thebear Год назад

    You should do a create a sim video where you have to use every single type of character and breed them until you have a sim that is all of them in own !

  • @kandirain_1172
    @kandirain_1172 2 года назад +5

    This one was exciting! Enjoyed!❤️
    Also, are u going to finish the Bloomcrest Series soon? Leaving with 1 house left to build and furnish is quite stressful for ya girl 😫

  • @zararobnett8284
    @zararobnett8284 2 года назад +1

    Damn. 20K in first day. These girls are epic

  • @inaiya
    @inaiya 2 года назад

    OMG UR SIMS LOOK SO PRETTY😭😭 I love watching ur cas videos, can u pls link all the things you’d usually use for a woman face in cas? my sims look so goofy this would be rlly helpful ❤️❤️🥰

  • @lilymariee
    @lilymariee 2 года назад

    i’ve been loving your gameplay! so much fun

    • @sydmac
      @sydmac  2 года назад

      thank you:D

  • @rosemarie7413
    @rosemarie7413 2 года назад +2

    my sim started a fwb relationship with nancy 😂😂

  • @sistersgroup7134
    @sistersgroup7134 2 года назад +1

    I really, really love your channel!

  • @alicjaz2771
    @alicjaz2771 Год назад

    I think Lumpinou is working on Law and Order mod or something like that, basically adding repercussions for breaking the law, but its complicated and takes a lot of time

  • @CaritaStenbergKeisanen
    @CaritaStenbergKeisanen 2 года назад

    You are one of my favorites on youtube who makes simsvideos🥳❤️

  • @nicoheight2943
    @nicoheight2943 Год назад

    Not the jenna reference 😭😭😭😍

  • @KuromiTheLastRakkyo
    @KuromiTheLastRakkyo Год назад +2

    Off topic but the sisters look like Polly Pockets

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

    the Blackspire Scoundrel klepto action is not confined to your starwars vacation spot; you can do it while in other sim worlds even your own sim's home town; the standard klepto trait is of little need when your spellcaster has the swipe item spell along with the scoundrel trait that you pick up while on that special cinematic Star Wars vacation.

  • @malinmariell
    @malinmariell 2 года назад

    This is so much fun. Now I want to make a burglar sim, fantastic😂👏

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

    you can use your scoundrel guile to pickpocket people. without running the risk of having to attempt to swipe from public buildings or risk going on a heist. ya know what I think vampirism is the best choice for going villain. I do not know why I haven't thought about it in all the times I'd been playing the sims 4. OMG!🤣

  • @HeatherNickless-vt8zr
    @HeatherNickless-vt8zr Год назад

    You can swipe at super powerful celebs with the scoundrel interaction.

  • @mrsxtomahawk1420
    @mrsxtomahawk1420 Год назад

    I’m not used to hearing or seeing my name 🥺 and you wrote it the same aswell (Marley) thank you for that, really made my day ❤

  • @Narra0002
    @Narra0002 2 года назад

    The house looked great. And Marley is messed up for almost killing Charlie to make money 😂