Anyone know how to download these from without doing it one by one in Windows?
Anyone know how to download these from without doing it one by one in Windows?
Last edited by Dann828; Today at 09:41.
Try any of the rippers featured in the pinned topics of this section which are designed to automate image harvesting from the various hosting sites.
My personal favourite is the Pale Moon browser with the ImageHostGrabber (aka IHG) add on. It has a very powerful thread sucker feature.
See my post here:
"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."
Thanks. I'm going to give it a go
Liked by 1 user: Progishness
Well all the downloaders have their quirks, tho I've not tried any of the others as IHG is so solid and reliable. reliable. Any questions about it then just ask in the support thread or send me a PM.
One thing I will mention at this point is if the images are hosted at Imagebam, then you need to open one image in Pale Moon before sending the job to IHG. You only need to do this once per browser session. [Other downloaders have their own problems with Imagebam.]
"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."