Internet Trends That NEED TO BE STOPPED (Degenerocity)
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Original video: • Internet Trends
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#SimbaThaGod #Kick Развлечения
He’s right about that cave exploration, got me messed up if I pull up to hang out and we spelunking like it’s Minecraft. I’ll be damned if I get snatched up by a freaky ahh Enderman gang
I’m saying fr you gotta be a crazy person to do that
"Ay bro you wanna die with me real quick"
@@Dr.BDoverDawg, the worst thing is that you can dead ass survive a S Tier ranked undiscovered, roided up ass entity, and as soon as you come out you just get snatched up by the Government. Like imagine surviving a Tailed Beast attack, just for the Hokage to shoot you for just seeing its shadow.
Nah cuz that one case with that guy who was cave exploring and ended up getting stuck upside down messed me up fr 💀
Nah, he was just being Ignorant. It's like putting one foot over a windy cliff then wonder how you are on a rock bleeding out as the salt water rushes at you.
@@NeonForceGetsuga either way, still sad to think about the family having to say goodbye to him over the phone, and since they couldn’t retrieve his body, they had to seal the hole with concrete with him still in it…
The Nutty Putty Cave
11:54 absolutely diabolical
11:54 thats a violation
11:54 Majin be doing simba so dirty ToT
Comparing simba to that curse on toji's back its incane disrepect💀💀💀
Time to deduct his pay again on the reddit.
11:54 that was a NASTY comparison 💀
Editor needs a raise for that
11:53 Naaah! Majin is getting a reduction on his paycheck!😂
The money glitch one is so stupid. Like, it’s not new, it’s not infinite, and it’s not a glitch, considering that you can’t even avoid it. It’s LITERALLY A CRIME. YOU ARE NOT A PIONEER FOR COMMITTING FRAUD, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE DONE IT BEFORE.
i mean glitches don't even exsist in the real world
11:53 oooo that’s a nasty ahh stray 😭
12:45 Undertaker 😂
Majin's vile for that baby worm lol
11:54 this is some maliciously repugnant shiz my brother broski
Damn bro really predicted that cave diving shit
3:28 my classmates did this to me. They didn't even record it. I ended up having to go to ER cuz of rhem.
Oh nah bro I hope you got your get back on them or they atleast got karma. Hope nothing but good things come your way bro.
12:07 Were you having an eye spasm gang? Think ur eyes went just a lil rogue
11:54 I almost died 🤣🤣🤣
Galaxy Gas hittin the U.S like Doflamingo peddling the Smile Fruits in Wano😂😂😂
Majin be going crazy with the edits 😂
0:53 I have PTSD from this
my nigga if money was free we'd all be rich, but last time i checked i'm still shopping for clothes at Walmart. Majin the stray at 11:54 is crazy work
8:38 he ain’t wrong what if the cave is as fragile as an avalanche one big scream and you cooked ☠️ plus it’s a cave who are you the predator? How ya finding your way out of the cave ☠️ not to mention so many ppl get hurt from these rock including stuff ☠️ a yr i am certain a lot of ppl either get hurt or end up dieing or losing limbs by at least a yr ☠️
Wild Intro!
0:22 cave 0:26
Ngl some, internet trends are kinda crazy fr-
11:54 why bro why 🤭🤣
lets go, new vid.
Majin my g majin gang the edit is crazy g you gotta be stopped
Yes she talked a good game when it came to talking to Can and Nick. But the fact that she was talking fast, evading questions, and the way she carries herself.
bruh i dont even like being in a elevator cave is hell
Editors doing you dirty
Cave exploration is stupid and scary. It reminds me of The Descent and the sequel where cave exploring has gone wrong
12:47 I'm surprised Majin wasn't fired yet😂 He may be willing to go for it and screaming "Try Me! You aint gonna stop me!"🤣
I’m convinced that Galaxy Gas is a psyop of some kind
Let’s get simba to 300k
Simba post🗣️🗣️
Amazing video side note: majin you fucked up for that image of the inventory curse😂
W Simba vid frfr 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ 🤫🧏.
0:53 if you know, you know.
The money glitch I am going to nickname it: speedrun to get in crippling debt
Yoooooo! I have arrived young ones
Galaxy gas is flavors APPARENTLY so that people can have flavored whip cream for food but that's gotta be cap
These challenges are so.... 💀
Please react to Zephire. His recent Black panther vid was fire 🔥
The members meme is literally that thing what my brother uses (he’s such an idiot sometimes)
I just checked a Amazon selling page of galaxy gas and the number one review was “*In a super deep voice* This shi got me geeked”😂
the cash glitch is just: how to be broke in 2 days
I watched this in the stream.
0:47 bro did not just say Xvideos and put that in there
There is nothing wrong with exploring a cave unless you don’t have a tour guide.
Adventuring is a load of fun.
If you research and learn what the dos and don’ts are you will be fine.
I went to a cave in Pennsylvania when I was very little with my mom and dad.
There were bats hanging from the stalactite.
And it was really dark in some places and there were some places that were just beautiful.
I haven’t been in a cave in a very long time.
I’m never ever going skydiving.
Nor am I going to go paragliding!
I’ve sat on the edge of a cliff on the Grand Canyon.
Brought home a dry lava rock.
Seen clay fields.
Seen very tall cacti.
Saw the crater in Arizona.
Rode the duck boat.
Drove the duck boat.
I’ve been to both Rural Tokyo and Tokyo city as well. To a shrine in Japan.
As well as a haunted house.
I’ve been to Niagara Falls.
Seen the Panama Canal.
Traveled to Mexico by sea by cruise ship during my high school days.
Also I’m black and not rich.
And this stuff happened before I reached adulthood I’ve gone many places since I became an adult.
We literally take planes most of the time but, we drove cross country when I was 10 once in my whole life. Pennsylvania is an easy drive for my mom.
Driving 8 hours to Canada is also easy for my mom.
She enjoys driving too.
I think anyone who hasn’t may enjoy trying exploring with friends or even by themselves just to see what’s out there .
Set a goal and a destination and just do it.
There’s also got to be something very interesting in the State you live in.
A museum.
A reservoir.
A historical park.
A tourist area laden with history.
Try to find it.
Exploring is so entertaining and enjoyable.
Find something for you!
If you already have that’s awesome!
If you don’t want to that’s fine too.
I’m not a a hole who wants to order everyone around.
I was just sharing what I think.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
Remember u just watched Mr beast do a 6 day challenge in a cave 😮
First hour
Forgot to tell you happy Friday the 13th
*Degeneracy* is the word you misspelled in the title. Degenerocity is not a word
70K viewers on the vid and NO ONE noticed 😞 wow
My name lil t mane
I aint no miner
I aint hating make your bread with galaxy gas, cigarettes the same thing but people still smoke them
I've done nitrous. Its.... eh? 🤷♂️ I don't get the appeal. It lasts for like a few breaths, and it just makes you numb and you feel weak. It does the opposite of helium though, so talking like a demon is fun. But it's not that fun. If you gotta disinfect a cut, or do something painful like that, huffing a whipped cream can comes in clutch for those few seconds. But I've never seen anyone I'd even consider 'average' intelligence doing them. It's always the kid giggling in shaggynese. "Likedudebruh and uh issso firetho s'alll like *wooooooo* nstuffs."
12:45. Majin........