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I do not understand the issues some users had with VPN, i test with OpenVPN application which work with .ovpn files and it works fine.
What kind of vpn you have, is it something you install globally on the system, like OpenVPN, or is it just in the web browser (Firefox, chrome...)
You can try to disable vipergirls authentication in app settings and see if you then can change the other settings.
If you rely on a vpn to access vipergirls, and you don't have a vpn app installed globally on your system (meaning all application that require internet access will utilize the vpn connection not just the web browser which some vpn provider offer as a free option), the ripper app is useless for you. The app require access to the vipergirls website to fetch thread images, and need to access either directly, or with a global vpn connection. any vpn solution that lives only in the browser is useless for the app and cannot be used.
check again the log files, everyday the old logs get archived into a .gz file, try opening some old ones and look for any errors there, .gz files can be opened by 7zip or winrar app.
Hope it works for you, i will release a new version 2.5.0 today, try it maybe it somehow works for you, but i highly doubt it if the 2.4.1 didn't