View Poll Results: What version(s) of VRipper are you using ?

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  • Windows

    38 84.44%
  • Linux

    5 11.11%
  • Mac

    4 8.89%
  • Server

    1 2.22%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: VRipper (Cross-platform Gallery Ripper)  

  1. #1906
    Active Member
    10 May 2021

    Re: VRipper (Cross-platform Gallery Ripper)

    6.5 seems to work somewhat. Links to posts will not produce a batch download. If you copy the link at the top of the thread, it does work. Strange. Lets use an example.

    If I search for Sherice posts, I'll find a link to one of her RylskyArt sets here:

    Copying and adding this link will not populate a batch download. I just get errors.

    But if I go to the top of the thread and copy the link:

    This works! I have tested it with several threads and they all seem to be the same. Now this creates an issue if you just want ONE set in a multi-post thread. You can not select individual posts.

    So whatever 6.5 is doing on the top thread level link works, but there is some issue when it tries to drill down to a single post.

  2. Liked by 1 user: roger33

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