
has anyone jerked it, or fantasized about a family member.... not like ur mom, but ur aunt, second cousin.... ur step grandma...

something like that.

:dunno: :helpme:

i dont know wheher to laugh or throw up.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i didnt see the co worker part. i also dont see the family one. edit?

but co workers, ive done more than fantasize! a girl about 20 years on me gave me head a couple of times in the walkin freezer and jerked me off a few times. i didnt have full on sex but could have. her daughter was obsessed with me and i coulda fucked her but i had to be drunk to do that and almost did. i came close though, i apparently made out with her and minutes later i fucked my co workers girlfirend on my bosses daughters bed. haha what a night. i continued banging her for a few months after that. i fingered her other daughter but she was just a tease, and a little too young for legal reasons.

im proud of that story.
I think I told this story... I don't have the time for details, but I snuck into the girls washroom to jerk off (don't ask why) and these two hot chicks came in and started making out... I was in the stall, so I kinda peeked over and finished.

I'm not exactly proud of that, but it felt damn good at the time.
Does anyone have any interesting stories about milfs - your friends mom.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Does anyone have any interesting stories about milfs - your friends mom.

eh. ive wanted to have sex with countless friends moms but never did. my co-workers daughter thought she was my friend and her mom gave me head a couple of times so thats as close i cum. er come.
I think I told this story... I don't have the time for details, but I snuck into the girls washroom to jerk off (don't ask why) and these two hot chicks came in and started making out... I was in the stall, so I kinda peeked over and finished.

I'm not exactly proud of that, but it felt damn good at the time.

its risky, but i'd like to try that. Especially at a club or a bar. Where did you do it at?
Yearbook, no. Don't even have one anyway. Strip club, no, but don't have to, strippers do it for me... Co-worker, yes, a few of them at different jobs. Just fantasized...
sure i thought about the odd co-worker while working at the office... not as of late in the last year or so :o


Have any of u jerked it to a year book pic of a hot chick from ur school? Or have been on myspace and jerked it to a hot girl from your school?
Also, have any of u guys been to a strip club and rubbed one out?

Tonight, i went to a club and carefully - i was able to rub one out. It was so great, there were two chicks on stage going at it.... literally.

Another thing, have any of you fantasized about a co worker... more than once?

No to the yearbook and strip club. Although at the strip club I generally do I put it...little treats...from the dancers, so I don't have to do anything. Yes to the coworker and myspace...both because of my ex-girlfriend. I should show a pic of her... she's very pretty (and only 19...18 when I dated her).
We don't have year books in this country but I've jacked it plenty of times to girls I know on MySpace and sites like that, as well like on MSN and stuff.

I've never even been to a strip club, so that's a no.

I've been in education for like, forever so I've never really had any co-workers other than my part time job in a kicthen but the girls I worked with their were girls I knew from school anyway.

As for family members, no. There is one cousin, however, that I acknowledge as being very hot but the shear fact that she's my cousin puts me off jacking off over her...