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Bondage CBT and milked by my toes & whip

1/22/22 4:42 AM14 min309 MBmp41080p
Price23.49 EUR


Once again, hands, legs and balls tied to the gloryhole table.
This time I used a rope on his balls so I can pull them whenever I want.
And I brought my whip.Pulls, twists, kicks, whips.
Poor guy.So horny, yet so savagely treaten.

Ηis first cumshot was beautifully splashed out just by using my the whip when my toes brought him close by doing their magic.
Good boy, but I probably overdid it with the CBT.
I didn't know you can make a guy unenthusiastically ejaculate just by hitting his balls(I'm only 21 mind you!).
Luckily I have a good specimen to experiment on and learn the limits of the boys genitals.

What came next was also a first for me.
My evil toes, twirling on his glans, brought him to a HUGE orgasm while I was continuously slapping his balls with the whip.
I haven't seen that big of a cumshot from him, ever.I wish I could show a hint in the teaser without spoiling it, this was extreme.
He was literally screaming and cuming for 18 seconds straight.3-4 ropes, then dripping cum heavily, then 5-6 ropes again.
As I use to say, I don't use 2 feet, I use 10 toes ;)

Still, no satisfaction.What I was doing to him when he was ejaculating made sure of that.
But at least he will be empty for a few days and that's the most he'll get.

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